Porter's Community
What began as a week-long photojournalism assignment about tutoring, turned into a 3-month personal project with the children in Porter's Community Center. I adored these kids. I journeyed with them around the neighborhood, I took them to see my friends, and they shared personal stories with me. The hot dogs & study abroad going away party melted my heart. I wonder where you are today my beautiful friends.

I found this beautiful neighborhood while shadowing a cop for the day. I loved seeing the multi-colored homes, the way the light came through the over grown trees, neighbors always walking around and riding bikes. The officer new the name of the women on the corner, the names of other passerby. This neighborhood was right behind Sorority row in my college town. Most would drive around but I always felt drawn to drive through.
One day I got a parking ticket downtown. While paying the ticket I had the idea to ask if I can follow a cop for the day for my college photojournalism class. And so this is where the story begins.
The quiet drive around the neighborhood was imprinted on my mind. A few weeks later we had to submit a new photo story idea. I wanted to go back, but how would I connect personally. I drove through multiple times. I had one hour to commit or find a new story. So I went back and so this beautiful mom, kids around, she didn't seem stressed just dealing with the issue at hand. I stopped my car, camera over my shoulder, and introduced myself. "Hello I'm Lori. I'm studying to be an art teacher and I'm a photographer. I love meeting new people and seeing how they go about their day." And she replied, "oh:-) you think think I'm interesting you should meet my sister she'll take you for a walk around the neighborhood she tutors and knows everyone."