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Art Gallery Blog

Lost In Space
I love interpreting my work after the creative process. What does this image make you think of?⠀ . . For me. It's that space between....

Sunset Breakthrough
It's very rare that I nap. So when my body tells me to rest I listen. And it's even more special when you have a beautiful work of art to...

Morning Pages
Morning pages, journaling, getting the ink out.⠀ I love writing every morning. Getting out the nonsense so that I can move onto my...

Shower Hour
It's show hour! Thinking of my girlfriends and cleaning the showers at sleepaway camp. Would have been even more fun cleaning with Ajax...

When do you know when your art is finished?⠀
A little peak at a work,⠀ I think it's done or almost!!!⠀ ⠀ When do you know when your art is finished?⠀ When looking at any work, can...

Just like the Moon, I go Through Phases.
I really enjoyed making this piece, layers on top of layers, dots turned into moon cycles and paths.⠀ ⠀ "Just like the moon, I go through...

Clocks, Bags, and Swag
"Circles & Triangles" from the "Thought Pattern" series.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ I invite you too explore the rest of the series and products like this...
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